Therapro MEDIceuticals HairGain Dietary Supplement 60 tablets

HairGain Dietary Supplement

by Therapro MEDIceuticals

  • SKU: 37-0085
  • Size: 60 tablets
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
Therapro MEDIceuticals HairGain Dietary Supplements for Women is a nutritional supplement to combat female hair loss. Features Natural Phytoflavone Complex (NPC) to aid in the reduction of DHT formation in women, which is the primary cause of female hair loss. HairGain hair vitamins help promote healthy hair growth while blocking the formation of DHT.
Take 2 tablets daily, 4-6 hours apart.
Amount per serving   % Daily Value
Vitamin A  2500 IU 50%
Vitamin E  20 IU 67%
Thiamin  5mg 333%
Riboflavin  2mg 118%
Niacin  20mg 100%
Vitamin B6 20mg 100%
Folic Acid 800mcg 200%
Biotin 800mcg 267%
Pantothenic Acid 40mg 400%
Zinc 15mg 100%
Copper  1mg 50%
Molybdenum 50mcg 67%
Protein hydrolysate/Sulfur amino acid
(DL-MEthionine, L-Cystine, hydrolyzed collagen)
250mg *
Avocado-soybean unsaponifiables 10mg *
Black pepper extract (Bioperine) 2.5mg *
Proprietary blend: Ginkgo Biloba, gentian root,
seville orange, artemisia leaf, Fo-Ti, Horsetail 
100mg *
Pregnenlone  10mg *
Brewers yeast 125mg *
*No Daily Value established